Denver Foreclosures: Foreclosure sales at 5-year low in Colorado urban counties
Wednesday, March 14
More news today on Denver Foreclosures confirming what we've been reporting regarding inventory of Denver homes for sale. While filings were up slightly, the actual sale of these filing fell to a five year low. Some of this has to do with banks allowing homeowners to sell homes as short sales or ...
Denver Foreclosures: $25B Foreclosure Settlement Filed
Tuesday, March 13
More big news for Denver foreclosures: In the largest industry settlement since the US settled with the tobacco industry, 49 state attorneys, including John Suthers of Colorado, filed the $25 billion agreement in court on Monday agreed to last month. We're still waiting to see exactally how this ...
Fewer Denver Luxury Homes on the Market
Friday, March 09
More news on the declining housing inventory; this time for Denver luxury homes. The numbers today for luxury homes is nearly identical to the number earlier this week for all of the Denver homes for sale. Earlier this week, we reported that year-over-year inventory is down 33%. Today, we're find...
Denver home prices up from year earlier in Jan., Dec.
Thursday, March 08
When reporting market trends on Denver homes for sale, many companies will compute numbers by excluding all Denver distressed properties from their figures. This can lead to an overoptimistic picture of the true home market. Today, however, CoreLogic's numbers show a year-over-year increase and f...
Denver Homes for Sale: Inventory Down 33%
Wednesday, March 07
More supporting statistics out today confirming what we've been reporting since October - the inventory of Denver homes for sale has decreased drastically. The latest statistics show that the inventory available now, is down 33% from where it was this time last year. This reduction is across the ...
Highlands Ranch Condos: New Highlands Ranch Foreclosures by HUD
Wednesday, March 07
Because our team is always working with buyers looking for Highlands Ranch condos, we're always looking for Highlands Ranch foreclosures the day they hit the market. With the low market inventory, these foreclosures are moving quickly, especially when they are priced well. Today, an amazing deal ...