The Next Financial Crisis: Commercial Real Estate
Sunday, March 21
Several years into the residential real estate crisis, another one looms just around the corner: Commercial Real Estate. Trillions of dollars worth of commercial mortgage loans are about to reset. Problem: Decreasing property values has prevented many commercial property owners from refinancing. ...
How Companies Can Avoid Bankruptcy Through Business Debt Restructuring
Sunday, March 21
Your business is faced with overwhelming debt and payments have not been made in months. Creditors are calling you on a regular basis demanding their money. Does this sound familiar? For some companies, business debt restructuring may be an option to consider to avoid bankruptcy. Business debt re...
Five Steps to a Successful Commercial Loan Workout
Monday, March 15
Otaining a commercial loan workout can be a very labor intensive process. Having all of your "ducks in-a-row" is key to a successful workout. Please review the following five steps:1) Required Paperwork The required paperwork is gathered from property owners. Documents needed: Rent roll, cop...