Work From The End In Mind
Sunday, August 13
Deals, Deals, DealsIn the beginning, everyone focuses on deal flow. A healthy deal pipeline is the nucleus of a burgeoning real estate enterprise. It's imperative. However, there is an important question to ask.The One QuestionBefore you spend countless hours in any real estate sector, you need t...
My Biggest Due Diligence Miss
Saturday, August 05
Ben Said It BestBen Franklin once said, "Diligence is the mother of good luck." In real estate, thorough due diligence is the barometer of success. Ignore it and you might strike out in the first inning. Excel at it and you might hit a grand slam. Real estate investors understand the importance o...
What I Have Learned From Living In a Trailer Park With My Tenants
Wednesday, July 26
Last month, my company closed a mobile home park. We partnered with an experienced operator in order to secure financing and execute on the turnaround. We negotiated to be the onsite managers for an extended period of time. We want this experience for several reasons: First, we want to be compete...
Are There Still Deals in Hot Markets?
Friday, June 16
Headlines create small talk; they get people talking. It's their business model. The problem is when it affects one's decision making ability. One narrative that has been fanned for the last eighteen months is that we are in an overheated market. Some interpret this as now is not the time to buy ...
How to Find Mobile Home Park Deals
Monday, June 12
Mobile home parks are no different than any type of real estate business. Finding deals takes the most amount of effort. In frothy markets, patience and discipline yields lasting results. The majority of parks are owned by mom-and-pop operators, leading to lucrative opportunities. This comes with...
Differences Between Mobile Home Parks and Apartments
Sunday, June 04
Mobile home parks have risen in popularity since the last recession. Frankly, I am apart of the crowd. A friend mentioned that I should look into them. I did. Today, I own two communities. At first thought, mobile home parks seem very similar to apartment complexes. Tenants pay rent. Landowner ma...