Free advice is Expensive and dangerous
So often I get questions from investors inexperienced and experienced about specific legal or IRS issues. You should not be getting free advice from people who are not specialists in these fields. Some of the most expensive advice is the free advice. Surround yourself with a great team of advisers. Just like any supper successful entrepreneur. If you want to save time and money you are going about it the wrong way. For example recently I read a post about an investor being sued by the bla bla bla for the reason of Bla Bla Bla. The details dont really matter. They were being sued. What part of that did they not get. They were posting in a forum for advice. Is that insane or am I over reacting. Seek out your local adviser in the matter and in this case your not going to ask your plumber or mailman or post it online and expect to get advice you can hang your hat on. You may want to contact an ATTORNEY. Build your team, take advice from local highly successful mentors who can help you build your team and then have some trust. The bigger you grow the more lawsuits you are going to have its the nature of the American Dream.