Every tenant excuse in the book. i have heard them
Listen after 25 years of being a landlord and 15 years of doing property management for other clients you pretty much hear and see just about everything. We have been taken advantage of by little old ladies, young ladies, church pastors, Doctors, professional athletes, section 8 tenants, family members, the list goes on and on...
Please keep in mind once you tell someone you own real estate all of a sudden you have money and owe them something. You and I know we worked hard to get what we got and its nobodies business how much money we have or don't have. What matters is peoples word is their bond or at least it used to be. That's why the written lease was created. If you sign a lease and don't follow that lease and or don't pay your rent then who do you have to blame. You would think the answer is the tenant right? Wrong. The tenants will somehow rationalize that you are the bad guy and to be honest the laws are sometimes in their favor so you have to follow the proper steps when starting an eviction and knowing your way around. You the landlord are guilty until proven innocent. Don't take any crap, be fair but firm with people, don't let them get away with not paying rent. No excuses pay or don't stay. know your laws and your local practices and use a good plain language lease. There is so much more to know but let me be crystal clear here. This is a business. If I tell my mortgage company that my car is in the shop and I cant pay my mortgage they don't care and they will file for a foreclosure faster than you can say please give me one more chance. So why are you doing it with your tenants. Make sure you take your time screening and approving an application and be quick to evict if you have to.