Rejection sucks. But not having a backup is worse.
Monday, February 01
Relationships with lenders are a wonderful thing. If you’re not very experienced with the industry, understand that lenders typically provide the majority of the capital required to buy a building. Just like buying a home. Home buyers ask a lender for money on top of their down payment to make th...
Three lenders all say they go to 75%. They all mean different things.
Monday, January 25
“We can go up to 75% leverage”. This sentence has probably been repeated a million times around our industry. It’s unfortunate, because potential commercial mortgage borrowers probably only hear it one way, when the lender relaying this information may actually mean one of three different things....
My first multifamily deal: Jacob Blackett of SyndicationPro
Friday, August 07
Every investor’s story has a beginning. Everyone starts their portfolio with a first deal. In this new First Deal series, we’ll dive into the very first commercial real estate acquisition made by successful real estate investors across multiple asset classes and strategies. Jacob Blackett Jacob i...
The most valuable thing a Capital Advisor can tell you
Friday, July 17
I’m convinced the most valuable thing a Capital Advisor can tell a real estate investor is “don’t work with that lender.” There are currently 28 lenders we do not work with at StackSource. Each one of them has been rejected from our platform for a reason. While the reasons vary, our clients bene...
When specialization is a risk
Thursday, June 25
We received a financing request recently for a property rented to Dutch Bros Coffee. Living in the Northeast, I had never heard of it, but apparently it’s a coffee brand taking the West Coast by storm and, at 379 locations, now holds the mantle for “largest privately held drive-through coffee ch...
Why a Personal Financial Statement Matters for a Non-recourse loan
Tuesday, June 23
Quick review: A “non-recourse” loan is one that is backed by collateral, but the borrower’s personal finances are not pledged against the loan amount. When seeking a non-recourse loan, you may still be asked to supply information about your personal finances. What gives? What a Personal Financia...