How to increase your ROI with 'Base Hit' Investing!
Wednesday, April 19
It’s baseball season in American. Texas Ranger fans are hoping this is the season they go all the way. Chicago Cub fans are hungry to show the world that 2016 was not a fluke. Don’t stone me, but I for one am not a huge baseball fan. I think partly because I could never hit the ball. True confess...
The Brilliance of a Mastermind!
Tuesday, April 11
Is your business where you want it to be? Or how about your personal life? If both these areas have no room for improvement, then you don’t need to waste your time reading any further. This article is for those of us who know there is still room for growth and know there is a need to push the env...
Getting Our Company Out of the Rut
Friday, March 31
You know I grew up on a small farm and worked on cattle ranches up through college and then spent a lot of time on my parent’s cattle ranch. One thing everyone has experienced if you have spent any time on a ranch is getting stuck in the mud. Usually after months of snow or rain we would wear rut...