Still Researching in San Antonio
Sunday, April 02
Where did she go? Not to worry - I'm still in the game, just had a few things keeping me away from the laptop. I haven't yet analyzed 100 deals, darn it, but I'm narrowing down my San Antonio neighborhoods and looking to make a few offers this month. Larry and I visited with a friend in SA thi...
What a Difference a Day Makes!
Saturday, March 18
First thing - Brian Adams in Killeen is awesome. He met us today and showed us a few properties; he also provided us with a lender who got us pre-qualified. Let the games begin! We found a property that we were ready to put in an offer on, but on the way home we spoke with Kenny (our son and b...
First things first: a bit of history and context
Friday, March 17
Here are a few revelations for the average person in the over-45 set: You don’t have to wait until you’re 70-plus to retire BUTYour 401(k) is probably not going to be enough to keep you in the manner to which you’ve become accustomed ANDYou better get it together if you want to stay off the cat f...