How You Can Be The Bank As a Hard Money Lender
Tuesday, July 21
Private mortgage lending is a misunderstood and underrated investment opportunity. Cash investors are often dissatisfied with their returns from traditional vehicles, but private lending can deliver double-digit interest rate returns. A moderate to high risk tolerance is required, but the risk ca...
How to solve title problems following a tax deed buy
Thursday, February 16
Recognizing the adage that “you make money when you buy,” all real estate investors look for bargains. A popular place to buy low is the tax deed auction. Many investors specialize in this area or include tax deeds among other acquisition strategies. The main drawback, however, is that when yo...
What Florida landlords should know about security deposits
Tuesday, February 14
All Florida landlords should read and understand the state’s landlord-tenant laws found in Chapter 83 of the Florida Statutes. A part of the law that contains pitfalls and has historically caused problems for investors is 83.49. This subsection covers tenant security deposits and the rules gove...