Why Paying Cash For Properties Will ALWAYS Make You More Money
Thursday, May 04
As my investment property business continues to heat up, it seems like not a day passes that I don’t get asked: “Can I finance this property you have for sale?”. Part of me wants to eagerly say “Of course!”, as who in their right mind wants to turn down a sale? But then the other part of me, the ...
How the Fed’s Rate Hike Affects Investors
Thursday, May 04
Surviving The Storm:Interest rates are going up! The Federal Reserve hiked rates once in 2015, once last year and again this month. That’s not all. The Fed expects to raise rates at least twice more this year. While the Fed doesn’t set mortgage rates, it is closely linked to the housing market so...
Real growth in Indianapolis
Monday, March 27
3 factors that make Indianapolis perfectly positioned for turnkey investingIndianapolis, home of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, countless museums, zoos, and stadiums, is also home to almost 850,000 people and growing. With colleges, universities, young families, lots of industry and culture to ...
Turnkey Investing by the Numbers
Monday, March 13
Six numbers to help evaluate a turnkey dealPurchasing a turnkey rental property can achieve a positive monthly cash flow, but not all properties are created equal. When evaluating a turnkey property, there are six key numbers to consider to ensure you get the most cash flow for your investment do...
Secret Strategy Of The Elite – The Automatic Self-Directed IRA
Tuesday, February 28
Your IRA… you know, the thing you probably should be putting a little more money into? The thing you hope will have enough money in it by the time you retire?Well, what if we told you that there was a secret strategy that, until now, only the elite pros of the investing world knew anything about....
The Way You’ve Been Thinking About Money Is All Wrong
Tuesday, February 14
The alarm clock buzzes and you crawl out of bed, pour yourself a coffee and stumble bleary-eyed toward the car. You fight rush hour traffic while the radio DJs chatter incessantly. At work, you listen to your coworkers, your boss, your customers.It’s just another day. A day like thousands of othe...