My "10 Simple Rules to Real Estate Success!!"
This business isn't that difficult really. Just follow these rules I use.
"10 Simple Rules to Real Estate Success!!"
- Take risks, but don't risk money that you can't afford to lose.
- Don't have "analysis paralysis", find a good deal and buy it.
- Learn to find ARV value & estimate repair needs fast on the go.
- NEVER EVER PAY RETAIL!! Always buy lower than 70% ARV, with the only exception being if its turnkey in premium area.
- Never accept the first offer below your asking price when selling, holding out for more offers, or negotiating the price can make you millions over the years.
- Don't overleverage yourself, and your credit. There will be another RE Crash eventually!!
- Don't get emotionally attached to properties. What is a house? Its a stack of wood, and other raw & man made materials, stacked uniformly on a piece of land.
- Its either a deal or its not, don't try to talk yourself into deals just because terms are good.
- Have a plan and stick to it, but be willing to adapt it along the way.
- Most importantly always remember to figure in the cost of your TIME, the most valuable thing you have.
Good Luck, Keep Grinding and hitting Home Runs!! – - (