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Posted almost 6 years ago

Off Market Is Not Better

I get people asking me all the time, "Where do I find off market deals!!!". 

While off market deals can be great "deals" this isn't always true and there are quite a few differences from dealing with listed properties.

  • Typically (but not always) the seller is firmer on price
  • There is not room to negotiate for repairs, remember they're trying to sell without the hassle of listing
  • "off market" is not truly off market unless you've done the marketing, chances are multiple people know about it
  • There's probably a reason it's not listed. Everyone knows the market is hot right now, listing allows the most people to see it, why wouldn't you list?
  • It's harder to get information about the property

Off market properties can also be a great deal! I always have some off market listings that I offer to clients and have also gotten great deals for myself through marketing. Direct mail and writing letters really does still work, just be consistent.
