FICO's MOST MISUNDERSTOOD FACTOR - Credit Utilization 30% of score
Friday, November 18
I want to apologize for not getting this next segment out sooner. With my company in the thick of 2017 planning and the holiday season upon us, this subject will hit home with each and every person. It also happens to be my favorite subject to discuss in regard to how credit works. Credit Utiliza...
FICO's Biggest Factor Comprising 35% of the Entire Model
Tuesday, November 08
As promised, lets dig in to each of the five areas of a FICO score one by one. Part 1 - Payment HistoryThirty-five percent (35%) of the points that make up your FICO credit scores is based on your payment history. A full one-third of your score is determined on this category alone. This means tha...
Do you really know what a FICO score consists of?
Friday, November 04
Since this is my first blog on Bigger Pockets I thought I would start with the basics of FICO scoring. This may be rudimentary for some but we see so much confusion each day in our office that it is a good starting point. From here, I encourage BP members to reach out to me and let me know what t...