Eternal Sunshine of the idle mind. Or something like that.
Instant gratification is unfortunately a product of the modern American society. Fast food. Fast cars. Fast... everything. Which is why waiting to even hear back from my realtor in Michigan about visiting the property is killing me!
However, this is part of the learning process. And it's a good thing. It's teaching me patience. And it's teaching me the process of buying investment property. It's teaching me to continue to learn about real estate investing while I wait. And wait. And wait.
So. I sit here. Typing. Learning to put "pen to paper" if you will. Typing this blog allows me, no, forces me to get my thoughts out. To clean out my idle mind from all of the junk floating around inside the gray matter of my head. Forces me to keep reading about investing. To read other investor's blogs and forum posts. Forces me to continually evolve my processes to ensure future property bids go more smoothly.
Continuing to learn is essential in this business. I'm still new. Very new. But even I can see the writing on the wall. Every book matters. Even if you've read the same stuff about CAP rates over. And over. And over. There's usually something in a book you haven't learned, allowing you to grow. Allowing you to keep the sunshine eternal in your idle mind. Allowing you to grow your business. Which in turn, allows you to afford the future you've always wanted.