Motivational Monday - What’s keeping you from achieving your goals?
How much time did you spend this week answering e-mails or calling tenants that hadn’t paid rent yet? How many phone calls could have been handled by someone else? How many things did you do that could have been delegated?
We get so caught up in, “I have to do it” that we forget that we don’t have to work for minimum wage. You can hire a virtual assistant to help you with a lot of the online things that you spend so many hours working on each day. They can sort out your e-mails and only send the ones that they can’t handle to you. It will take some training on your part but once they know what to do, imagine how much time they will save you. Teach them how you would respond to an e-mail so they can do it for you. Once they know which e-mails are important for you to see and which ones they can handle, they can sort your e-mail for you. Then you are only spending your time on things that are critical to making you money.
This is also true of your phone calls. You can have an assistant answer all of your phone calls. They can sort out the ones that need your attention and handle the ones that don’t. Then they can save you time by making sure that you are only spending your time talking to people who are going to advance your business.
By allowing someone else to take over some of the things in your life that someone else can handle, you give yourself more time to focus on the things that only you can do. This means that your time can be spent networking with people to partner with. Or talking to potential investors. Or talking to potential sellers. This is where you are going to advance your business and make the real money.
If you hire someone for a minimal amount of money to take over the things that are clogging up your time, you will be able to free yourself up for the big things and the things that matter most to you. You might even have time to relax. As always, happy investing.