Motivational Monday 15 – Do the Impossible
It’s kind of fun to do the impossible – Walt Disney
Walt Disney was supposedly told no to Mickey Mouse and Disneyland over 300 times. It takes a lot of perseverance to keep going until someone supports your dream when you are told no that many times. Walt Disney failed repeatedly during his entrepreneurial beginnings, including a bankruptcy; most people would have given up. He was betrayed by contractors and employees and yet he kept going. Look at his legacy now. He is a household name. The Disney organization brings in more than $50 billion a year. He achieved the impossible.
So how do you create the impossible in your business? What kinds of things are stopping you? Where are you being told no? Are you having issues with your partners in finding money? Are you having trouble with sellers being willing to sell to you at a price that makes sense? Are you frustrated by lack of experience or having trouble finding a good power team? Each of these obstacles can be overcome. It takes times and diligence and knowing who to talk to and how to talk to them, but like Walt Disney, you can build an empire.
When you are getting started in the Self-storage business or any form of real estate, you are going to get told no a lot. Friends and family don’t believe that you can be successful doing something that you have never done before and so they are hesitant to partner with you or support you. Power team members may doubt your ability to perform, and sellers always want more than the property is worth. Your job is to bring in partners or mentors who can teach you how to talk to sellers in a way that will make them want to sell to you at your price. By bringing in a successful, experienced partner on your first few deals, your power team members will realize that you are serious about investing.
Don’t be afraid to start because you don’t know who will buy the property or where the money will come from. The money will come when you find a good deal. You can do this. Find the way to achieve your impossible dream. As always, Happy Investing.