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Posted over 3 years ago

Motivational Monday Part 3 – Riding the Wave

“Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and puts itself in our hands, and hopes we've learned something from yesterday."

~John Wayne 1907-1979, Actor

Some days are just discouraging. You get told no over and over again by self-storage owners, you hit walls in your research, your computer crashes and you lose everything you were working on. However, it is important to remember that tomorrow is perfect. Tomorrow is a completely fresh start to try again. That doesn’t mean that we should give up on today. In fact, sometimes, we just have to ride out the bad day knowing that the future is going to be better.

So how do we do that, how do we keep going when being a self-storage investor is hard, when we are being told no over and over again? How do we pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and continue when we hit all those dead ends? You have to focus on the big picture. Today is just one day in thousands of days. If you were to roll a die over and over and over again, you are going to hit different numbers. If each of those numbers represents the type of day that you are going to have, you need to realize that bad days are going to happen. It is up to you to choose how to deal with them.

You can choose to give into the bad day, mope and lose precious time, or you can recognize that tomorrow will be better and press forward. Change the way that you look at things. Every no that you hear is statistically one no closer to a yes. Keep a no chart. Cheer when you get told no because you can see how much closer you are to that yes.

Not every day is going to be perfect, but if you can find a way to focus on changing the way you look at the negative things and remember that tomorrow is perfect right now. Be excited for what the future holds for you. Self-storage is an amazing business to be in and you can do this. As always, Happy Investing.
