How Military Families Best Utilize Self Storage
For many families, moving is not something that happens often. It isn’t uncommon for a family be in the same place while raising the children and for their first move to be when they grow up and move out onto their own. This isn’t the case, though, for military families. They know that frequent moves are part of the gig and they quickly become experts at it. This doesn’t mean that it becomes easy. As families grow, more and more things are acquired, be them physical possessions or friendships. With that in mind, here are a few self storage tips that can be kept in mind for military families who are about to make a move.
- Store Clothing – This is especially true if you are moving from a place with seasons to a place more temperate. Clothing is bulky to house. If you are living in sunny Florida, there is no need for that pair of snow pants to be taking up space in the closet.
- Large Appliances – Many homes come with appliances already in them. If you own your own, selling them isn’t necessarily the right answer. They are an investment, and one you might need if relocation happens quickly. Just be sure to properly store them by draining them of any water. This will ensure that they are in prime working condition when you need them again.
- Collections – You may not have space or the proper kind of security to keep your collections. Think of things like model cars, coins, beanie babies, cookie jars, and the list goes on.
- Vehicles – You may not need or have the parking space for more than one vehicle. If this is the case, get yourself a car cover to protect it from the elements and from any bumps or scratches from passerby’s.
- Items of Personal Significance – This may not be the best time to display your cherished rocking chair that was your great-great-great grandmothers. When you have an item of important significance to you, it is important to take all precautions in keeping it safe. The more you move it, the more you expose it to danger. Put that thing in storage until you are in a place you know will be a longer stay.
- Documents & Paperwork – Make sure you are storing the right kind, though! You don’t need to have constant access to you taxes from 3 years ago. But that doesn’t mean they should just be tossed, either. Getting a filing cabinet will keep the papers and documents that don’t need everyday safe. You could also keep things like marriage license and birth certificates in there as well, just don’t buy the cabinet. Nothing is worse than needing the things stored way in the back buried under everything else.
- Extra Furniture – Do you really need that dining room table set that seats 16 in your temporary home? Probably not. Or maybe you had a finished basement before with a couch in it. Now you are moving to a place with just a Livingroom. Store that extra furniture! It is advised that you wrap it, though.
- Musical Instruments – If they aren’t something you play regularly, or if you have more than one, put them into storage and keep your favorite out. If the sprit to play hits you, its just a drive the facility to pick it up and is one less thing to find a place for in the home.
- Electronics and Video Games – This may be a good time to go from having a TV in every room, to just having one. Or to pick one video game console and put the rest into storage.
- Climate Control – If any of the above are something that you are going to need to store, consider renting a climate-controlled facility. We know that your possessions are extremely important and that extra layer of protection will give you real peace of mind.