The First Rule of Finding a Self-Storage Property includes Direct Mail
Now that you have built your database, it is time to start reaching out to the owners of the properties. Your database can be the strongest, best, most incredible database on the planet, but if you don’t engage with the property owners, it is worthless.
One of the best ways to interact with self-storage property owners is direct mail. We use handwritten, hand stamped, number 10 envelopes. Just as important, we answer every single call that we get. Even more importantly, we follow up with every owner that we sent a letter to. This three fold plan is how we are able to get such great results from our direct mail campaign.
You can purchase a pre-scrubbed list of self-storage property owners with the mailing address of each owner. You can also narrow it down so that you only get properties that fit your business model. This list isn’t going to be perfect. You are going to get returned mail. When you do, update your database. This way, when you send out your mailers again in a few months, you have a better database.
Another great thing about your direct mail campaign is that it forces you to call the owners to follow up. Your job is just to verify that they got your letter. They are probably not in the market to sell today. That doesn’t mean that you can’t get to know them and start building your relationship now. If you have pictures of their facility in front of you, you can talk about the facility with more familiarity than if you don’t. Remember you are creating a relationship for when they are in the market to sell their property.
You never send out one letter. You are going to send out multiple letters over time. However, you are going to space these letters out. What works for your schedule? If you have 100 properties in your database, how many can you call a week? If the answer is 25, then send out 25 mailers a week for a month. That is only 5 phone calls a day. Then you can reach out again in three to six months. You want to follow up until they ask you to take them off your list or they sell their property to you.
Direct mail is a great way to get in front of property owners so that when time and circumstances change, they will remember that you are interested in their property. As always, happy investing.