Creating Time for Self-Storage in a Busy Schedule
Self-storage is not a get rich quick program. We are in the Crock-Pot business. One of the most critical things about self-storage or any kind of investing is that once you have started learning how to invest, you must take the time to actually implement what you are learning. However, many of us are so swamped with what we are currently doing that we don’t have the time to do one more thing. The reality is you are never going to have that time. You have to create that time in your schedule.
There are two ways that you can create this time. The first is that you can do a time audit on yourself to determine where you have that time in your current schedule. The second is to figure out what tasks you can delegate to someone else.
To do a time audit you need to track everything that you do for an entire week. Set an alarm in your phone for 30 minutes and then when it goes off quickly jot down what you did for the last 30 minutes. Were you working on e-mails, were you prospecting, were you spending time with family, or were you watching television, or did you get lost in the endless scroll? Whatever it was, you need to know; so write it down. After the week is over, sit down and add it up. How much time did you spend scrolling the internet? How much time did you spend watching TV? You may find that you are wasting time that you didn’t even know about.
If you find that you were so efficient that you didn’t waste a minute, then you are going to need to hire help. Go back to your time audit and look at what tasks you can delegate to other people? What can you turn over to an assistant? What are some things that you do repeatedly that you can train someone else to do?
Here is a good rule of thumb. If you have a task that you are going to do on a regular basis, create a standard operating procedure on how to do it and then give the task to your assistant. That is why you have an assistant. They can now take over this task and lighten your load for you to do the things that will make you more money.
Start with your time audit and use that to find ways to create more time in your schedule. As always, happy investing.