Direct Mail is one way of building a database of potential sellers!!!
The lion’s share of our deals come from direct mail. I believe this is because we send out handwritten, hand stamped, number 10 envelopes to our potential sellers and we make sure that we answer every single call that comes in. In addition, we follow up with every single self-storage property owner that we mail to.
You can buy a list of self-storage owners so that you have the mailing addresses of each property owner. I get my lists pre-scrubbed so that I only get properties that fit my business model. I consistently send out handwritten letters to these owners and I get a great response. I get almost double the industry average.
Obviously, the list that you get isn’t going to be perfect, you are going to have self-storage facility owners who have moved or there will be wrong owner addresses. When this happens, you can dig into the public records and figure out what went wrong. This way, when you send out your mailers again in a few months, you have a better database.
Direct mail is also a way to help motivate you to call self-storage owners. You can call to verify that they got your letter. Then you can strike up a conversation and get to know them. They may not be in the market to sell today, but if you are able to create a relationship that lets them know and like you, they will remember you down the road when they are in the market to sell.
Another group of people that you can send direct mail to is self-storage properties that have gone into probate. These properties are potentially being sold off. The heir may not be interested in managing the facility. Probate can take a long time. Follow up until you are told no thank you or the property changes ownership.
No matter who you are targeting, they key is to follow up. Remember that you are only as good as your follow up! Reach out to these self-storage facility owners. Let them know that when they are in the market to sell, you are in the market to buy whenever that may be. Create a database that you can use to start your business. As always, happy investing.