Motivational Monday – How to find success in your life!!!
The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. Vidal Sassoon
It’s Monday morning, what are you doing? Are you working? Are you surfing the internet? Are you learning about self-storage? Are you discovering new ways to make your self-storage business run better? Or are you wasting time?
Being successful takes work. It takes constant work. You can never stop trying to get better. Here are 5 things that you should be doing every day to make your business better than it has ever been.
1. Education.
You need to find out what other, more successful, self-storage real estate investors are doing to see if you can implement their ideas to make your business more successful. Go out in your community and talk to other self-storage owners. Ask them what they are doing to streamline their back office? Ask them questions about things you are struggling with in your business. Find out how they are locating new properties and then try their techniques. If there is no one in your area, go online and find credible trainers to help you.
2. Motivation
Make sure that you are looking at the big picture. Remind yourself why you are doing this every day. You are building up a self-storage empire so that you can retire and live off the passive income. Or maybe you enjoy buying self-storage properties and then helping them get to their maximum potential and selling them for a profit. Either way, you are the only one who knows why you are doing this. Write it down and make sure that you remind yourself regularly so that the work you are doing today is worth it.
3. Schedule
Make sure that you have a set routine. You want to have a starting time and a finishing time every day so that you don’t get distracted. There will always be other things that need your attention, but if you are not dedicating time to your self-storage business, your business will not survive.
4. Support
Surround yourself with people who support your self-storage goals. If you don’t have local people that will support you, find an online community who will. There are blogs out there with supportive communities like this one where you can get the help that you need to stay the course.
5. Reward yourself
Make sure that you are rewarding yourself along the way. Set smaller goals that you can reward yourself for so that you don’t get discouraged. For example, if you are doing a lot of marketing, you might set a goal to send out 500 handwritten mailers. When you have done that, then you can give yourself a small reward. By the way, there are companies who will write them for you. You need to determine your own goals and then find ways to stay motivated.
Don’t let success get away from you because you are not willing to put in the work. Self-storage is a great business to be in. If you are just starting out, find people to support you. If you are an experienced self-storage investor, find ways to keep going. As always, happy investing.