Motivational Monday – Optimism
Have you ever presented your idea to someone just to have them turn you down? Frustrating isn’t’ it! You know you have a great plan and a great idea. You know that it will work. But sometimes other people can’t catch your vision. However, if you are able to stay optimistic and continue to be positive about your project, you will be able to find someone who will work with you if you have a good opportunity.
The first thing that you need to do is make sure that you really do have a great project. One way to do that is to create an easy to read proforma for the property. You can show your prospective partners what the property is bringing in now and why. Then you can show them what you think the numbers can be and how you anticipate that the numbers will change. Show them your plan and back it up with actual current data.
You don’t want to state facts that you can’t back up, but you do want to be positive about your ideas and why you think they will work. If you have a poorly managed property or a property that is under performing because of condition, explain how you intend to fix those problems. If you have experience doing this in the past, be sure to show them how you have done this in the past. Showing them that you have been successful will go a long way towards getting them on board. If you this is your first project, and you keep getting turned down, you may need to bring in someone who has more experience with self-storage investing. This will help build confidence with your investors.
Being positive about a property that has great potential will help you to find the right people to partner with you, or the right people to finance your project. You just need to keep looking until you find the right partners. As always, happy investing.