What is your single greatest obstacle to success?
The fear of failure is the greatest single obstacle to success in adult life – John Maxwell
What is stopping you from achieving your greatest goals? Is it time? Is it a lack of knowledge? Is it a fear of investing time and money into something only to have it fail? Why haven’t you succeeded yet? If you don’t know, take a minute, and really think about it.
If you are struggling with time, then take a week and journal what you are doing. Every 15 minutes stop and write down what you did for the last 15 minutes. Then at the end of the week, you can evaluate what you did. Did you spend too much time watching TV or surfing the internet or reading interesting articles? Did you lose time answering e-mails or sorting all your junk e-mail? Maybe you lost time answering unwanted phone calls that an assistant could have handled? However, until you really look at what you are doing, you won’t know where you can save time. Once you have evaluated your schedule then it is time to take a scalpel to your schedule. Cut the things that you can, delegate what you can’t cut and hire an assistant to help with the other things. Once you have done this, will free up the time you need to be able to start your self-storage business.
If you are struggling with a lack of knowledge on how to start in self-storage, there is a lot of training and mentors available. There are a ton of articles out there on how to get started, there are programs out there that will teach you step by step what to do if you need something more detailed. Your power team can help you locally with your investing or you can hire a mentor to help you with your specific needs.
Finally, if you are struggling with fear, know that you can be successful. You don’t have to do this alone. Find a trainer or mentor who can help you get started correctly. Find people who have succeeded and model your business after them. Failure is part of life. It teaches you what not to do. Don’t be afraid to learn. Don’t allow your fears to keep you from taking advantage of this greatest opportunity to get into self-storage. As always, happy investing.