Motivational Monday Part 14 - What Matters Most
What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. – Ralph Marston
There are so many things that we have to juggle today that sometimes we forget to take time to plan for the future. Once you accept that you cannot get everything done that you want to do, then you can start focusing on the things that matter most. As you do that, you need to remember that what you do now will affect your future. If you never save any money, what will you have when you retire? If you do not invest in self-storage today, prices will continue to go up until you are possibly priced out of the market. Finally, if you do not take care of yourself, there are not going to be as many tomorrows.
As you set specific written goals that you focus on daily, you need to include goals that will help your future self. We all know that we need to save or invest financially for retirement but how many of us take the time to invest in our physical and mental wellbeing so that we have as many tomorrows as possible? Sometimes we are so caught up in our to do lists and making sure that everyone we are responsible for is o.k. that we run out of time to make sure that we are o.k. The longer this happens, the sooner we burn out, or get sick.
While focusing on taking care of yourself may feel uncomfortable or even selfish, it is so important. By taking care of yourself first, you will have more to offer. For example: Think of yourself as a pitcher of water and everyone around you is a teacup. If you are constantly pouring water into their cups you are eventually going to run out of water. However, if you are taking care of your own needs first, then you are constantly filling your pitcher so that you have more to give.
So how do you fill your pitcher? Do things that are meaningful and important to you. Do not feel guilty for taking care of yourself first because this is actually the best way that you can take care of the people around you. If you love to walk, put it in your schedule. If you love to paint, pull out your supplies and start. By focusing on you, you can help so many more people. The most important part to making this successful is to not feel guilty. Self-care is critical to your success. You will see an improvement in everything that you do.
Life was not meant to be endured; it was meant to be enjoyed. Find ways to enjoy your journey. As always, happy investing.