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Posted almost 3 years ago

Motivational Monday Part 12 – Overcoming discouragement

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up” Thomas Edison

You just made your 25th call of the day and you got told no again and you do not want to pick up the phone and try again. You do not want to send out your marketing mailers just to get asked to be taken off your mailing list again. Your lender just told you that loan committee did not approve your loan and on top of that you just found out that the seller did not accept your latest offer. Now that is a frustrating moment. You could even call that a bad morning. However, that does not change the fact that every day is different and the next phone call that you make, might be the deal of a century.

Everyone faces obstacles on their way to success. The people who do not give up when they have days like this over and over again are the ones who become successful. It is not because they are overly optimistic, it is because they know that eventually, they will be told yes and that will make all the difference. You have to realize that you are going to get told no a lot, the key is to not give up. You have to keep pushing through until you find that great self-storage deal.

It is easy to get discouraged in this business. You need to have things that remind you why you are doing this. You need to hang on to your why. Whether or not that is a vision board or simply quotes that help you stay motivated, you need something to get you through bad days. Remember that EVERYONE has bad days.

Make sure that you have a solid why so that when the tough times come, you are ready to get through them. You need to know that you are making these sacrifices for a good reason. You, know what your reasons are, and you know that they are worth it. Hang in there while times are rough, because eventually you will get to that goal. As always, Happy Investing.
