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Posted almost 3 years ago

Motivational Monday Part 9 - Today is the Day

“You have a clean slate every day you wake up. You have a chance every single morning to make that change and be the person you want to be. You just have to decide to do it. Decide today is the day! Say it: this is going to be my day.” Brendon Burchard

It is Monday morning, what are you going to do with your life? You could do the exact same thing that you did last Monday. You could follow the same routine that you did all last week actually, or you could make a change. Just one simple thing that will start you on the path to doing what you really want to do and becoming who you really want to be.

You just have to decide that today is the day! You don’t have to start big. You don’t have to say that today you are going to run a marathon, that just isn’t realistic, but you could say that today you are going to go for a short walk. And then tomorrow you are going to go for a longer walk and so on until someday you are actually crossing the finish line of that marathon. All it takes is deciding to go for a walk today.

So, what could you do differently today to put yourself on the path to where you want to be? Do you need to start by building your power team? If so, pick up the phone right now. Do you need to start making offers on self-storage properties? If so, call on that property that you really want. Do you need to start talking to lenders and other investors to make sure that you have the money in place to back up those offers that you want to start making? Make the calls. The important thing is to assess where you are today, know where you want to go, and then start.

Don’t wait another day to start on your path to your dreams. Decide that you deserve to have your dreams come true and then find a way to make it happen. You can become a self-storage real estate investor. You can become anything you want to become. You just need to decide that today is going to be your day! As always, Happy Investing.
