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Posted over 4 years ago

The Private Money and Syndication Summit is On!

Now that the turkey leftovers and the shopping has slowed down, I wanted to share some last minute observations about how private money can impact ALL and ANY of your real estate investments.

As you know, I’ve been running my own for many years, all founded on my own learning and experience in Self Storage Investing. At first, I based this simply on what I’d personally learned, but as the years went by, I was able to bring in more and more experts.

So what have we learned after all these years of getting money from individuals?

  • Know Your Numbers – This seems simple, but many newer investors ONLY look at what the seller is volunteering or what their experience with banks and traditional lenders would ask for. Sure, you and I both know that seller-based financials are often “optimistic” but this always comes out in the due-diligence phase. Do you know what to look for? This, for me, has been a huge part of our success. Private money partners inevitably have their own goals, which leads us to the next point…
  • Know What Your Partners Are Looking For – Let’s face it, whether you’re wholesaling a house, flipping multi-family, or buying self storage, YOU are responsible for knowing what your investors are comfortable with. If they’ll only move forward with a 60,000 square foot, Class B facility, why would you shop a 40,000 foot Class A?
  • Know How to Find Partners – I see it all the time on forums and FAQs – people with no experience, no money, and (honestly) not a lot of time trying to find private money to fund a deal. At Self Storage Investing, we’ve done a lot of “sweat equity” deals with partners, but inevitably, they have money on the table too. Where do you find investors with “lazy” money to invest in your projects? We actually teach that in multiple sessions, not only at the Private Money Summit, but in ALL of our events.
  • · Know When the Deal Is Not Right – Here’s the real truth – not every deal you find is going to be “doable”. Maybe the seller won’t budge on a price, maybe you can’t get the real data you need, maybe your research is turning up questionable news about how the market is evolving. Amateurs buy with their emotions; professionals buy based on data and knowledge. If you fall in love with a facility or a property and try to force numbers to work, you’ll set your investors up to fail and you’ll severely handicap your reputation to attract others to the next deal.

I’ve shared all this and far more at the for many years and I’m excited to do it again this year. If you’re reading this and happen to be in Austin on December 5, 6, and 7th, I’m sure my team can find an extra seat for you to join us.
