Can Bad Marketing Kill Your Self-Storage Business?
There is good marketing and there is bad marketing. If you are not careful, your direct mail campaign and your marketing can turn potential sellers off instead of making them want to work with you.
The first thing that you need to look at is the spelling in your marketing. While this might seem like a no brainer, a lot of people miss spelling and grammar errors. As a result, they come across as uneducated. Because of this, potential self-storage sellers don’t actually believe that they have the capability to purchase their property. Make sure that you proofread your marketing pieces.
The second thing that you need to look at in your marketing is your message. What are you saying to the owners? If the only thing that you ever say is that you want to buy their property, they are going to stop opening your letters. They will associate you with spam or even worse, they will find you annoying. This is not the relationship that you are trying to build. You are trying to create a relationship of trust.
When the time comes that they are ready to sell, you want them to think of you. If they think of you in a positive light, they are more likely to want to sell their property to you. If they think of you in a negative way, they are much less likely to want to work with you. They may even choose not to work with you.
Once you own self-storage, your marketing is just as critical. If no one knows that you have a self-storage facility, how will they rent from you? You want to keep your occupancy levels as high as possible. This will keep your income as high as possible. This means that you need to let people know that you are open for business and you have room for their belongings.
If you are marketing in the wrong places or saying the wrong thing, you are not going to attract the attention of the types of renters that you want. You want renters who are going to pay the bill each month. You want renters who are going to put their belongings in storage and then forget about them. You want good renters.
By making sure that you are targeting the right types of renters, you can make sure that you have a higher occupancy rate and a lower eviction rate. You can make your self-storage a success. If you don’t know where to begin or how to make that happen, find someone who does and work with them. As always, happy investing.