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Posted 10 months ago

Delegation: Why it might be the key to your success!

When you are trying to add a new business to your current schedule or increase the amount of business that you are doing, there may not be enough hours in the day to accomplish everything. If this is the case, then you may need to delegate some of the more mundane tasks to someone else.

There are a lot of things that you do repeatedly. These are items that you can delegate. While some of them may seem like they are something only you can do, that just isn’t true. You need to allow an assistant to help you. If you do something more than 3 times on a regular basis, you should create a standard operating procedure on how it should be done and delegate it.

For example, instead of answering your phone, allow an assistant to screen your calls. There are a lot of quick questions that your assistant can answer for you which saves valuable time. When you are constantly being interrupted, you have to refocus on what you were doing and getting back to that frame of mind takes time. You can either have your assistant handle your calls for you, hold your calls except during a particular time, or simply screen your calls to make sure that you need to be interrupted. Either way, this will prevent unnecessary interruptions.

Your e-mail is another huge time drain. Your assistant can be trained to answer a particular type of e-mail on your behalf. The ones that don’t fit into a particular category would be left for you or forwarded on to another e-mail account that only you and your assistant know. These emails will be left for you to deal with. By allowing your assistant to take over your e-mail, how many hours will you save by skipping the spam that still got through, and the e-mails that are not important? This may save you an hour or two a day all by itself.

You need to write down exactly how you want your assistant to do the other miscellaneous jobs that you do over and over again. There is no way to measure how successful your assistant is if there is nothing to measure them against. Initially, you may only need someone part time. However, you can always add to their schedule and increase their duties as needed.

Don’t be afraid to delegate. Your time should be spent making deals and creating relationships. Anyone can do the little things. You are the only one who can create those relationships that allow you to purchase properties and grow your portfolio. Make sure that you are focusing on the right things instead of on the things that you can delegate. Your time is worth more than that. As always, happy investing.
