Staying Focused on Self-Storage
Just like when you go on a diet or create a budget, it is going to take some time getting used to your new schedule. You are going to make mistakes and you are going to get off track, and you are going to need to adjust.
The first few weeks of your new schedule are going to be hard. You are putting more into your schedule, and you may be cutting out some of the fun things that you were doing before. Because of this, you want to make sure that you are as effective as possible with the time that you have.
You may be tempted to try to multitask in order to get more done in a shorter period of time. However, studies have shown that multitasking actually slows you down and it creates a poorer product. When your brain has to refocus on the task at hand because of an interruption it can take twenty minutes to refocus. Try to minimize the distractions so that you can be more effective with your time. The people who think that they are great at multi-tasking and that this doesn’t apply to them are probably some of the worst offenders.
Create a workplace with as few distractions as possible. Your phone can interrupt you every time that you get a text or an e-mail. This is a lot like multi-tasking. You have to refocus your brain each time that it goes off. Silence your phone while you are working so that you can stay focused on what you are doing. There will be times that you cannot do this, but when you can, it will help you get through your task more quickly.
Another thing that you can do to be more effective with your time is to keep meetings to a minimum. You need to network with people. You need to get to know them, and you need to build relationships. However, a lot of these meetings are just socializing. While you are building those relationships, these meetings are critical to your success. Once you have built those relationships, they are not as critical as they were before. You can reduce the number of times that you go golfing with another self-storage owner.
Another important thing to learn to do as your learning how to focus on building your self-storage investing is saying no. Sometimes it is very hard to tell people no. They need help with something, and you don’t want to say no. However, you have to understand that there are only so many hours in a day. If you are constantly spending them helping other people, you will never be able to grow your own business. Now I am not saying never help other people. I am saying to find balance.
There will be unexpected holes in your day. Have a list of things that you can do when those moments come up. Are these extra moments going to be rewards, for you to relax and enjoy yourself? Are they going to be moments where you work on things that you never get to? Make a list of things that you can do when you have a few extra minutes. Otherwise, you will spend the entire time that you have wondering what you should do.
Just like any new thing, you will need to adjust your schedule until it works for you. Don’t feel bad when you get off track or don’t accomplish everything on your list. These are just ways for you to learn what you can and can’t do with your time. They will help you make better lists in the future. While they may seem unimportant, they are critical to becoming organized enough to spend more of your time focusing on self-storage and building your business. Take the time to get organized. As always, happy investing.