Why institutional SFR investors need local aggregators
Sunday, June 25
Large private equity funds and publicly traded REITS have been buying single-family residential houses since 2011 at the time when the foreclosure crisis was reaching a high. These companies have become owners of 20,000, 40,000 even 50,000 houses across the United States and have created an en...
Benefits of owning brand new vs. used rental houses
Tuesday, January 31
If you are a landlord you should consider buying brand new houses to use as rental properties. The benefits of brand new houses are numerous.For institutional investors the benefits of buying brand new houses include increased rents, lower capital expenditures, ( none in the first year) and a pro...
Shadow Inventory & The Effect of Instituional Buying on Housing Sales
Wednesday, October 12
Are Banks Holding Shadow Inventory and What Does it Mean to Investors, Homeowners?By Bruce W. McNeilage, Kinloch Partners, LLCFunny thing about supply and demand…it’s as much an immutable law as any one of Newton’s Laws of Physics. If people want something and there’s not much of it, the price wi...
Americans Make Income Gains, But Dream of Homeownership Slipping Furth
Tuesday, September 27
Earlier this month, the US Census Bureau released some good news. Median household income rose to $56,516 in 2015, up 5.2% from a year earlier. It marks the first increase in median income since 2007, the year before the Great Recession started.It’s definitely a good sign that the economy is mak...