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Posted over 3 years ago

Finding a Seller Now

Real estate investing has so much upside today that if you follow the “Herd Investors” you’ll be furiously competing with all of those investors for every distressed property that comes on the market. So, instead…

Don’t be a “Herd Investor.”

Standing Out in the Crowd is How to Find a Seller Now

Investing with sandwich lease options means you don’t work with desperate sellers with underwater mortgages. You don’t work with damaged houses that retail buyers don’t want. You don’t work with sellers that are ‘break-even’ on their mortgage and need to squeeze every nickel out of the deal.

Every other investor is looking for either rental houses as an owner/landlord or rehab properties that can be flipped. You are not looking to become a traditional landlord nor are you interested in a lot of rehab hassles. You want to

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control houses through sandwich lease options without owning them.

How to Find a Seller Now is with Sandwich Lease Options, which gives you the investing advantage… especially in this competitive market.

Your competitive advantage begins when you find someone who has equity in his or her well-maintained home. A home that anyone would be proud to own. A home that you can easily sell as a rent-to-to-own for top dollar with tenant-buyers begging you to sell to them. There is nothing like a sandwich lease option to deliver top of the market houses to highly qualified tenant-buyers excited to pay top dollar.

If Not NOW, When Will You Stand Out From the Crowd?

How profitable are these Stand Out Deals? You already know about the three paydays from sandwich leases – 1. Purchase Option Fee, 2. Monthly Rent Spread, 3. Big Payday when the purchase closes. Now, think about how to maximize your profit even more. When the seller has more equity, you are more likely to receive option credits each month. Option credits give you equity each month from the rental payment you are making. If you purchase the home for $200,000 and each month you are paying $1,000 in rental payments to the seller, ask the seller for $1,000 (or $500) a month credit towards the purchase price. That gives you equity in the house to Increase Payday #3 even more!

How to find a seller now begins by looking for sellers with plenty of equity in the house. In the U.S., more than 30% of homeowners own their homes free and clear. But sellers don’t have to own it free and clear. Home prices have been skyrocketing for several years and even people that bought just a few years ago already have tens of thousands of dollars in equity.

When sellers have equity, they have choices in how they can sell the house.

Sandwich Lease Options Put More Money in the Seller’s Pocket

Sandwich lease options are the no/low cost way for you to control real estate. What you need to do is be able to communicate with people. Using prewritten scripts is an excellent way to start talking to sellers now. They will talk to you when you begin by telling them how they can make more money on the sale of their house.

Sandwich lease options have some seller benefits in common with seller financing but with much less risk for the seller. What is in common are a monthly income stream, a high sales price, and delaying any capital gain tax for a year or longer. The reason it is less risky is that with straight seller financing, the seller immediately signs over the deed to the property before being paid in full. With sandwich lease options, the seller first collects profitable monthly rents and only signs over the deed when the house is fully paid for at closing.

More money in the seller’s pocket for much less risk!

You will find sellers excited to sell highly desirable houses using a sandwich lease option. You will stand head-and-shoulders above other investors that don’t offer what you offer.

Finding a Seller Can Also Mean “Good Debt Relief”

Almost no other investors look for traditional “retail” houses. But you will be looking for top-quality houses with the sandwich lease option strategy AND you can also eat part of the other investors’ lunch. I wouldn’t go after deeply distressed properties needing a ton of repairs. But there are plenty of other situations where sellers need “Good Debt Relief.”

These are situations where a seller has a perfectly good house but has financial problems that a sandwich lease option can solve. Solving their problem is how you put together a Win-Win-Win for the seller, for you, and for the tenant-buyer. There can be several root causes for why a seller needs debt relief. It could be divorce, job loss, health problems, or something else. All of these can bring on two common situations that cause the seller to need debt relief. The seller needs to leave the house or the house is already vacant. Both mean there is an empty house but no income to pay the mortgage.

Being able to generate income for the seller in a week or less is what I call “Good Debt Relief.”

Good Debt Relief is very simple. The seller has an already vacant or soon to be vacant house that they have to make mortgage payments on. The house is not producing an income. The debt payment is a big rock they have to carry without relief. When you offer a sandwich lease option, you offer an income stream to pay that debt. That income stream is Good Debt Relief.

How to find a seller now means that you need to know the nuts and bolts of the sandwich lease option process. Without knowing the nuts and bolts, you’ll probably come to the wrong conclusion that there are almost no sellers out there who want or can use your services. You’ll be stuck competing with the herd of other investors who are sinking huge amounts of money into distressed properties, that are almost impossible to find, and then still need a ton of work before you ever see a nickel returned on your investment.

The truth is that there are a lot more sellers who will benefit from a sandwich lease option than you might first realize. Every one of the 30% of homeowners that own free-and-clear can earn more with a sandwich lease option. So can any seller that has some equity but doesn’t own the house free-and-clear. Plus the ones that need “Good Debt Relief” regardless if they own it outright or only have some equity. Add all of these together and you’ll find that a very good percentage of homeowners are candidates for your sandwich lease options.
