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Posted over 4 years ago

How to Sell “Rent to Own Properties” to Millennials in 2020

The bullish millennial real estate market continues roaring forward this year! If you have the right house, this is still a great time to sell in a few short months. So why would you instead consider selling using the “rent to own properties” technique? Why not just take your profit and move on to the next deal?

Because there is a more profitable answer… The Millennial Answer!

Why Rent to Own Properties Works So Well With Millennials

After years and years of this seller’s market, there are fewer and fewer houses available for sale. This is very much about the millennial generation…

the most active demographic in today’s real estate market. Millennials (80 million of them) now out number baby boomers by almost 10 million people. And the millennials are much more active in the real estate market than baby boomers who are going into retirement.

The few houses out there for sale are attracting the most qualified buyers. These are millennial buyers who are already prequalified for a mortgage. But there is an even larger pool of millennials who would be buyers if they had a little help qualifying for a mortgage. Buyers who are eager to pay top dollar if someone will give them a chance.

Rent to own properties is all about helping these people qualify for a mortgage. These are the same people that house flippers are ignoring. And landlords raise the rent every year, which further motivates these people to want to buy a home. Offering millennials exactly what they want is the niche that you fill with rent to own properties.

Millions of millennials want to be served by this niche but very few investors are filling the need….

Rent to Own Properties is an Investor’s Niche

There are many reasons why rent to own properties is a powerful tool in this strong seller’s market. These reasons apply to both sellers and buyers alike. Near (or at the top) of the list is that investors (sellers) do better when they have a niche that they serve. A niche is more refined than just having an investing strategy. Buying and flipping houses is a strategy where countless investors compete (often successfully). Being a landlord is the most common “buy and hold” strategy. Again, a successful strategy but a very competitive strategy that doesn’t offer investors much of a way to separate themselves from the rest of the investing herd.

Niche investing is about becoming an expert in an area where there are very few competitors but where buyers willingly pay top dollar for the benefit of what an expert offers.

Selling “Rent to Own Properties” to millennials in today’s market is a powerful niche!

The Millennial Predicament

Consider where millennials are currently at in their lives (ages 24 to 39). When these people graduated from college and high school, it was the middle of the Great Recession. They faced two enormous financial hurdles. First, they could not find a decent paying job. Second, they were carrying the burden of college debt. Little wonder this generation has struggled to save a down payment and qualify for a mortgage. Yet, this is the biggest demographic in today’s real estate market and will remain so for many years to come.

In their early adult years, these people had a preference for living in the inner city near entertainment venues and restaurants. Today, they have matured and have good-paying careers. Many (if not most) are having families and becoming more financially responsible. Building equity in a single-family home in the suburbs is now more appealing than sharing an apartment with roommates with a trendy bar on every street corner. Millennials are now your target demographic for the rent to own properties niche!

Rent to Own Properties is a Perfect Fit for the Millennial Niche

What you have today are tens of millions of millennials living in city apartments where rents are increasing. They have good jobs but very little savings and haven’t qualified for a mortgage. They no longer want to pay high rents to landlords, and the few single-family homes on the market are being scooped up by the scarce millennials who do qualify for a mortgage.

Into the picture steps the “rent to own” niche expert with a solution to all their problems. Solutions these millennials are willing to pay top dollar for. You can get them into a single-family home out in the suburbs. For the cost of a rental deposit on a bigger apartment, they can put a deposit on a lease with an option to purchase. This works both towards the down payment they need and converts into the homeowner equity they want, as soon as they complete the purchase. You offer them a way to improve their credit score to qualify for a mortgage. And it comes with a white-picket-fence-home to raise their family. Having all the right solutions is highly profitable for a niche expert.

Who would have thought that “Rent to Own Properties” offers all of the solutions to the largest demographic in the tight real estate market of the 2020s? … only a niche expert!

So how do you become a rent to own properties expert? Well, there’s a sequence to becoming an expert at almost anything:

  1. You learn the basics: Investing In Real Estate With Lease Options.
  2. Next are the details: Buying and Selling with Lease Options.
  3. Create your Wealth Building Arsenal.
  4. Personalized Coaching.

Lease options are definitely my students and my own most profitable and least risky investing strategy. 
