Sandwich Lease Options Control Without Owning (Or Win-Win-Win)
Tuesday, August 11
Almost every one of my blogs is about what you could be doing to earn a handsome income with sandwich lease options. In my last blog, I shared why it’s important to have a life vision. This time, I expand on that to show you how sandwich lease options are an integral part of achieving your life ...
Negotiations- Have the Answers Before the Seller Asks the Questions
Thursday, July 30
Negotiating with the Seller- The Beginning First and foremost,when you sit down with a seller to begin negotiations for a sandwich lease option deal, you are asking someone to give you control of their house with little or no money down. It is of utmost importance that the seller feels comfortabl...
Seller Objections (When Buying Real Estate with Lease Options)
Tuesday, July 21
Seller Objections Are a Good Thing! You should be highly encouraged when a seller takes exception to part of the deal that you are offering. Almost every time, an objection means the seller has a strong interest in making a deal if you can come to an agreement acceptable to you both. Buying rea...
Choices for the Seller Create Win-Win Negotiations
Thursday, July 09
More Tips and Secrets for Buying Real Estate with Lease Options Most real estate investors know that you make your profit on the buy-side of the investment deal. When it comes to buying real estate with lease options that means your profit is based on your negotiations with the seller. I strongl...
How Lease Options Earn You Tax-Free and Tax-Deferred Money
Friday, July 03
Pay attention here! Not only are sandwich lease options highly profitable but they are completely legal and available investments tax-free and tax-deferred. Many people incorrectly assume the only thing a retirement IRA can invest in is SEC approved securities. There is nothing further from the ...
Take Timely Action to Find Lease Options -Begin the Lease Option Cycle
Tuesday, June 23
As we already know, COVID-19 has turned the real estate market on its head. Mortgage and rent payments are being missed as each month passes. This is a huge motivator for landlords to get out of the business and homeowners to get out of a house going underwater fast. This developing market has t...