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Posted almost 8 years ago

Book Report: The Book on Tax Strategies for the Savvy Real ....

The Book on Tax Strategies for the Savvy Real Estate Investor

By Amanda Han and Matthew MacFarland

Copyright: 2016 Publisher: Bigger Pockets

Read Completed: September 2016

Purchased soft cover from (25% off sale)

The Book on Tax Strategies for the Savvy Real Estate Investor

Overall Rating: 9.5/10

This book was a perfect read for this period of my life in my beginner investing career. I have one rental property and want to buy more. So to get more money, I cashed out my entire old employer 401k (about $30,000). Well, this book showed me how that was a huge mistake and there are other things I could have done to roll it over into a self directed account and then use the money. Dang.

The other chapters were easier to read. Simple stories about deductions and expenses, vacations and planning. I loved the story about LLCs (since that seems to be a very common questions on the forums). Actually, so many questions on the BP forums could be answered by just reading this book. I seem to recommend it a lot in my replies. This is a very simple book, and very easy to understand. And most importantly, it was an enjoyable read. The chapters started with a real life story, so the reader could follow through an applicable scenario with the author's’ advice and commentary.

I think the most inspiring thing about this book is that it gave me the confidence to take action. I called my CPA and have a planning appointment this afternoon. I know the points I want to talk about, and have the knowledge and words to ask the right questions. I want to be prepared for tax filing season and do the most I can do to save on taxes (the highest expense people pay, but never realize!).

Book Recommended For: Real estate investors, or real estate business owners. More on the beginner side of the spectrum, but could be a good read or reminder read for any level.

Summary of the Book in my Words: An enjoyable book on taxes for real estate investors, and some of the best basic advice for saving money and tax planning.

Favorite Parts: The stories, and everything was interesting. It was an easy, fun read.

Least Favorite Parts: When I read about a huge mistake that I made in my life by cashing out my old 401k (but I think I will be okay in the end).

Buy, borrow, or listen: Buy. You will want to have this book on your shelf for reference. And have the ability to wave it in your friend's face to tell them to read it.

Comments (7)

  1. I recently read this book too and learned a lot.  I recommend this book for everyone!

    That said, I wish there was a section focused on folks who earn more than $150K as employees (i.e., working for the man) as there are limitations on many of the vehicles out there for folks.  Just my $0.02.

    1. Yeah, there could be more specifics for lots of categories of people. At least the book helped me start conversations with with my cpa directly related to my situation.

    2. I agree with Paul about he over $150k/year thing. I didn't learn until tax time that all my deductions could not be used to offset my W2 income and could only be used to offset my passive (rental income). At least I don't just loose those deductions and can use them on next years income. Other than that it was a great read and thought me how to access my 401k to invest into further real estate.

  2. I too read this book.  I read it before cashing out my old 401(k) and I'm so glad I did.  There is a chapter on self directed 401(k)s which I had never heard of.  This helped me jump start my real estate investing.  I'm so thankful for this book.  I believe it is a must read for someone first starting out and probably someone who has been in real estate investing for a little while too.  Highly recommended. 

    1. Yay for getting into the real estate game! I think everyone should know about the this stuff first!

  3. did your cpa seem to agree w statements in the book?

    1. Yes, my cpa was in agreement and now to get my taxes ready for him!