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Posted over 1 year ago

Earn 6 figures per year with monthly revenue

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When my parents retired last month after 36 years in business, their two income streams disappeared overnight.

They owned an art gallery together in Leavenworth, WA, selling my dad’s photography and other artists' work.

As you can imagine, running a business like this required plenty of sacrifice. For most of the year, they’d work 7 days a week and late nights, even during the holidays.

But years ago, I taught my parents years how to become private lenders. Because let’s be honest, social security isn’t much of a liveable wage these days.

And today, they're feeling pretty comfortable in their retirement, earning 6 figures in passive income, and living the high life they deserve.

Now, I’ve got a question for you:

If you wanted to retire TOMORROW what would happen to your business and your income?

If your answer is anything but continue to print money, then we need to talk, because I used to be in your shoes.

5 years ago, I was making a good amount of money in my real estate business. Except ... I didn't have the freedom to step away from my real estate business. My income was solely tied to it.

And to be candid, being tied to my business 24/7 caused a lot of friction in my marriage. Which, ultimately, was the wake-up call I needed to shift and find a new revenue stream that didn't require my full attention.

Fast forward 5 years:

Now, I have multiple recurring revenue streams that pay me 7 figures annually. Making this small shift to recurring revenue gave me the freedom to take 8-10 weeks away from my business at a time. And finally, I could prioritize my family like I always wanted to.

As an added bonus, it's even doubled as my business's lead generator too!

Revenue is one thing.

Recurring revenue, as you know, is an entirely different challenge when you're a real estate agent.

And I want to show you how to master it.

Would you be interested in creating a monthly recurring revenue stream that could potentially make you an extra 6 figures per year?

Contact me via email with “interested” to let me know if you are.

I've got something in the works and I only want to share if you’re interested in making more money, on a monthly basis, with way less effort.

