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Posted almost 2 years ago

Recessions are a GOOD thing?

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You must know by now that we are entering a recession.

đŸ˜± This sounds like a psychological nightmare, especially for one income-stream earners.

But, not everything has to sound like a bloodbath during a recession.

✅ Good news: There’s always hope on the other side.

Once you've lived through a recession 
 or two, you gain a lot of wisdom on investment opportunities and risks. đŸ€“

You learn to buy quality assets while everyone else is fearful.

Honestly, the last recession was WAY more difficult:

- Banks didn’t want to lend money

- NO one wanted to lend money for that matter

- Prices were low, but rents were stagnant. It was harder to make deals cash flow

But NOW, seeing how a property I bought in 2008 for $200k is worth $400k+ in today’s market, imagine how much YOUR properties will be worth in just a few years from now. 💰💰💰

Or, dare I say it, by the economy’s NEXT recession.

We are in an economic cycle so I believe this recession will last anywhere from 6-12 months.

Your goal = cut back on unnecessary expenses and invest for the long-term and eventually it WILL turn around. ALL this to say 

. . .recessions are huge opportunities. 🚀

Build your empire during this downturn.


P. S. Curious to know how investing in real estate is a great way to preserve your capital in times of inflation, that cash flow isn’t the only way to value a deal? Get all your investing questions answered during our next Real Estate Market Call.

P. P. S. Want to net $20K+/month from cash-flowing investment properties? Learn how to live your best life funded by your investments.
