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Posted over 2 years ago

No deals in your market? Do this.

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Are you struggling to find deals that make “sense” in your market?

Some agents would love to close more investment properties, but in high cost of living areas, most deals are negative cash flow even after putting 20-25% down.

Not to mention these areas become less desirable to own in with the high barrier to entry and competitive marketplace.

With negative cash flow, low CAP rates, and no way to change the market, what’s an agent to do?

>>> Refer clients looking for higher cap rates and properties that actually produce a cash-on-cash return to investor agents in other markets. <<<

Yes, you read that correctly.

Send your investor client to another investor agent in a different, more investor-friendly market.

By establishing a referral relationship (for a referral fee) with investor agents in other markets, you can be the solution to your investor clients while still passively earning for your expertise.

In fact, that’s how Agents Invest got started.

I had hundreds of investors in the Pacific Northwest. But the deals? They no longer made sense. So I had one of two options:

1. Pivot back to traditional buyer/seller business


2. Start thinking outside of the box to still serve these clients

Even if I wasn’t directly part of the deal.

By taking this unique approach I’ve built a seven figure business, and I’ve helped my clients achieve financial freedom faster.

Think of it this way, if you’re an agent with not-so-good deals, you can still be the solution and serve your clients by sending them to another agent and earning a referral fee.

Let me know: will you take this opportunity to serve your clients by connecting them to a market and a team with better deals?
