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Posted almost 2 years ago

5 investing mistakes I made so you don’t have to

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I’ve been investing in real estate for over 15 years, and I’ve learned A LOT of lessons along the way.

But there are FIVE INVESTING MISTAKES that I could have avoided if I had only known better.🤦🏻‍♀️

Today, I’m sharing them with you so that they don’t hold you back from reaching your goals.

1. Under-improving properties. We tried to save money, but it ended up costing us later in both time and money.

👉 LESSON — Do a proper remodel. Never cut corners even if you think you can.

2. Paying for inspections prior to anyone seeing inside. We lost over $30k in inspection fees before ever seeing the condition.

👉 LESSON — Always have someone get into units prior to paying for inspections.

3. Flipping vs holding. We’ve missed out on over $3M worth of equity accumulating by flipping versus holding.

👉 LESSON — Buy and hold! Earn tax-free income through cash-out refinances or scale up using 1031 exchanges.

4. Playing small for too long. We purchased our first commercial property in 2018. That’s 11 years after we started investing!

👉 LESSON — Think bigger, surround yourself with people who are living a big life and doing big things

5. Trying to time the market. Multiple times I thought the market would crash and sold properties sooner than I should have, and regretted doing so.

👉 LESSON — Time IN the market is a far better strategy than timing the market.

Want more of where this came from?

These are just some of the hacks I teach the members inside the Inner Circle.

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