Be in a group of like-minded people

When I first started in real estate, I remember being excited to share with family and friends.
But they didn’t share the same excitement as me.
Many told me I needed to, “be careful,” “get a stable 9-5 like everyone else,” and “be prepared for failure.” It was pretty depressing to hear.
What would have been more depressing is if I actually listened.
See, I didn’t necessarily have an issue with their negativity weighing me down. In fact, I had the opposite reaction — I realized how desperately I needed the right group of people to lift me up.
The “right group of people” who would equip me with resources, connections, new ideas, commitment, and ALL the other tools I needed to accomplish the BIG things I set out to do.
This is the core of what a mastermind group is all about.
Being in a group of like-minded people on the same journey — it’s everything for achieving success.
Because not only do they KNOW what you’re going through, they will get you to where you want to go A LOT faster.
I’m in 2 of them: one for entrepreneurs called the Dynamite Circle and another for investors called ROI Inner Circle. We meet online several times throughout the year and twice in person.
Inside of our own Inner Circle we’ve had members:
👉 Form JV Partnerships
👉 Loan private money to each other
👉 Hire employees from within the group
👉 And SO many more things that have catapulted their success
NO matter what it is or who it’s for, you need to join SOME type of mastermind if you’re looking to do BIG things this year, [NAME].
It will seriously change the way you operate your business and your life.
It has for me.
And if the sounds like the type of people you want to be around, hopping on a call is a great first step to learning what this community can do for you: