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Posted almost 3 years ago

5 Years of Focus = Lifestyle of Freedom

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My family and I have been traveling Europe for the past 75 days.

At this point, we’ve visited 9 countries, have met up with other investors living abroad, and spent most of our days enjoying family time.

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While I'm grateful for this lifestyle, many people ask how I did it, and it wasn’t easy. It's only thanks to five years of focused work that I can live this way today.

Back in 2012 my husband and I went to Italy for the first time and fell in love with the culture and idea of travel. During our trip, we kept asking ourselves:

“How can we make this our lifestyle and not just a vacation?”

So we were faced with a pivotal decision:

  - Sell our properties to live off the profit and travel for a year

  - Go back home, buckle down, and go deep into building a portfolio so we can travel for a lifetime.

We chose the latter.

Five years later, we’ve built out strong passive income streams that have given us the freedom to explore our love of travel. Without guilt or wondering how we’ll manage when we get back.

We’re not only traveling though. Because we’ve built systems for managing our properties remotely we’ve been able to:

  • - Analyze several STR properties in Southern Utah
  • - Submit offers on apartments in TN & MI
  • - Increase rents, (finally) on our Washington State properties (to the tune of +$885/month)
  • - Remodel a house in Tennessee from Europe (which is already difficult as it is in the U.S. let alone Europe)
  • - Refinance a 6-Unit
  • - Support our Inner Circle members in purchasing 53 [EDIT NUMBER] investment properties this year

And so much more...all remotely.

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Everyone sells this idea of an extraordinary life through financial freedom. But many investors like you may wonder what to do...after you achieve financial freedom.

This is what my husband and I have decided to do — and we’ve loved it. The beauty of being an investor is you get to choose your extraordinary life after financial freedom.

But for today, consider this question:

Would you be willing to put five years of focus on building your portfolio to create a lifestyle of freedom?

If so, keep doing the work. Get out there and build your passive income streams and commit to that kind of lifestyle.

If you’re not sure where to start, I’ll be sharing some rental property opportunities across the globe next week.

In the meantime, feel free to join the discussion inside our Facebook Community so you can take your first steps with a dedicated community.
