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Posted almost 3 years ago

$30K a month as a brand new agent working with investors

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Meet Maria.

You don’t know her. But I may have piqued your curiosity to figure out what makes Maria so special to earn $30K months in gross commission -- being a newly licensed agent as of this year.

She’s in fact a normal agent like any other agent. The only difference between agents who make inconsistent income vs. agents like Maria who consistently make high revenue months is the framework they choose to focus on.

See, Maria attended our Investor Agent Summit last February (after being newly licensed). Shortly after she joined our signature program the Academy in May.

Upon taking action and following our framework working with investors, she’s had fantastic results.

For example, she’s closed 10 transactions and earned $150,000 in gross commissions over 5 months - which is unheard of as a new agent.

Not to mention she’s hosting meets-ups, sending deals to investors every week, and continuing to thrive in Seattle, WA, one of the hottest markets in the country.

Truth is, if Maria had tried to go the regular client route, she wouldn’t have had these results. It’s hard to compete as a new agent right now in this competitive market.

Experience matters up until a certain point.

If you can lean on a proven framework, you’ll be guaranteed success - which is why we’d love to have you in the Investor Agent Bootcamp.

Remember, with the right framework, any agent can thrive in any market.

In our 4-week Bootcamp we give you a framework that has worked with hundreds of agents to get them earning high commission months and finally creating the business they want.

Got questions about the Bootcamp? Hit “reply” and let us know so you can see if our program is right for you! 


Can’t join the Bootcamp quite yet? Whether you’re a seasoned agent who hasn’t worked with investors, or you’re a new agent like Maria who wants to fast track your success - the Investor Agent Summit is a great place to learn from other agents with investor-focused businesses who are finding and closing more deals. 

We’ll share more details next week, but when you join, you’ll get to hear Maria herself speak on her experience working with investors so you can experience the same results.
