One of the first questions I'm always asked is: Why in the world would anyone consider selling their property to me merely because I contacted them and asked? There are more reasons than you might imagine, but first, let me confess to you, I did not invent cold calling. Real estate agents have been doing it for years and with enough success to keep doing it. The problem that many real estate agents have with cold calling is, it's too much work! It's much easier when sellers walk through their doors and hand them a listing. A big percentage of agents are willing to wait.
Real estate investors often complain that their wealth building plans seriously hampered because too few properties are available in the areas where they invest. You can't buy real estate and build much wealth if nobody will sell you a property, right? Obviously, it takes both buyers and sellers to complete transactions! So, the big question is...Where do you find real estate sellers when it seems like nothing is for sale? Cold calling is a technique where you contact property owners who own the kind of properties you'd like to acquire and try to persuade them to sell.
Not every rental property in my town is a candidate for my "cold call" letters. To start with, my specialty is the fixer real estate! I make money by acquiring properties I can "fix up". My strategy is to quickly increase the value. Average looking properties, without any visible signs of being rundown or neglect, do not fit my profit plan, therefore, those properties are automatically eliminated from my cold calling list.
Naturally there's a big difference between investors who operate properties for profits and real estate agents who sell them for commissions. Cold calling can be different too! For example, agents will sit at the telephone for hours calling long lists of owners. Obviously, that's got to be very boring! The way Fred, my agent, and I do it is different to begin with; we write letters to property owners rather than make telephone calls! We also do some research before we make any contact with property owners. This allows us to customize our cold calls letters to fit the property and address any special circumstances pertaining to the owner. Finding the right properties, meaning the kind that will produce monthly cash flow, puts you one on one with a seller and eliminates competition. This technique can prove very profitable for agents and investor alike – ask Fred, he’ll tell you!
In addition to this newer blog on BP, you can access 5 years of blog content on my website blog. The site address is in my BP signature below......fixerjay.com.
Good luck.
Fixer Jay DeCima