Time to sell your home? Time to do the repairs...
Thursday, September 22
Most homeowners think their home is in great shape - or at a minimum, in decent shape. Nothing is really wrong - I just want to sell it. For many high priced homes, maintenance was never an issue - the cost of minor repairs came with the territory of owning a nice expensive home. For the rest of ...
Foreclosure shouldn't happen - how to avoid in Georgia and elsewhere
Friday, July 08
Ahhh, the American Dream. Home Ownership - you worked so hard for so long- now you own a piece of Americana...your own home. What can be better! Family get-togethers, cookouts on the deck, kicking back and relaxing. The good life!But one day - maybe no fault of your own, something happens. Maybe ...
Fuzzy Math...it just doesn't add up!
Thursday, June 23
This topic was tops on my list when I decided to start this blog...it's that important to watch for as a real estate investor. It takes different forms, appears when you least expect it, and usually results in an argument/disagreement with your current tenants and owner financed clients, with a b...