PIMCO Heading to Wichita!
It’s official, Property Investors’ Management Company is headed to the home of the Shockers and Barry Sanders to take over the management of what looks to be quite a few properties. These deals do take quite a bit of time to put together so we don’t know for sure how much or exactly when we will take over but it’s looking very promising. We know for sure we’ll have one property in Wichita by the New Year and probably a few more shortly thereafter.
This is especially exciting for me as I went to school at Wichita State University so I know the area pretty well. Not to mention, I get to hang out with my old college friends while in town for business.
Don’t tell anyone but it looks like we’ll be going to Chicago and Florida too! Stay tuned for more updates on what’s going on with The PIMCO as it appears we will have a very exciting 2010!
Comments (1)
Dale Osborn, over 14 years ago