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Posted almost 8 years ago

How To Get Into Google Top 10 Numerous Times

How To Get Into Google Top 10 Numerous Times

By: Steven Rich, MBA

Since April, 2016 I have been getting all of my blog posts into Google Top 10 Search Rankings.  Currently, my last 13 blog posts all got into Google Top 10.  This article will help you to get your blog posts into Google Top 10.

Let me begin with how I discovered a little known unauthorized publication of the most recent “Google Guidelines for Ranking Websites and Blogs” (2016).  The new guidelines dramatically changed the way Google ranks websites and blogs.   Mastering these guidelines will help you get into Google Top 10.

Since I already published online articles about these Google Ranking Guidelines, I am unable to quote them again as Copyscape will not verify this article as 100% original internet content.  Potential clients considering hiring me as a content writer for their websites and blogs will get URL links to three of my previous online articles about this directly to their emails.

One thing very important that Google did earlier this year of 2016, was to toss out the importance of incoming links even if they are authoritative and relevant to the topics in the websites and blogs.  This is a very big change!Google now considers blog posts more important than web pages.  In fact, the fastest way to get into Google Top 10 Search Rankings is with blog posts.  Do a Google Search on a popular keyword or phrase and you will see how many of the Top 10 are blog posts.

“Google Guidelines for Ranking Websites and Blogs” (2016) describes how they rank low and high so readers better understand the process.In essence, here is a summary of what Google now looks for in order to rank websites and blogs:

Here is how you can rank higher with Google:

Google’s “E-A-T” system looks at a blog post and web page to be an Expert- Authority - Trustworthy.  In other words, the topic which is the focus of a web page or blog post must contain sufficient authority, expertise, and trust to be considered high quality.

Looking at the post or page, Google now asks if the standards of expertise regarding the topic are met.

Determiningthe quality depends on these characteristics:

1. The “E-A-T” must be high level;

2. The main content must be high quality;

3. The blog or website must have a positive reputation including the person or company responsible for the main content; and

4. Financial transactions and online shopping websites must contain disclosure of who is behind the site or have satisfactory customer service information.

To Summarize: every blog and website must be an expert with authority and trustworthy regarding its topic (content).  The author must have authority or be an expert and is trustworthy regarding the subject matter of the web page or blog post.  For example, Bill Gates writing about Microsoft or the internet, or computers has all three characteristics.  But, if he writes about gourmet recipes, he may not be an authority, expert, or even trustworthy regarding food.Content has always been “King” with Google and remains so as quality content is most important.  Positive reputation of the blog or website along with its owner is now very important.If you Google a person or company and find negative reviews, comments, or being mentioned in Scam forums or Fraud sites; Google already knows this person or company has a negative online reputation.  Financial services and shopping blogs and websites must be transparent regarding who runs it as anonymous ownership will not result in high rankings, the same goes for lacking sufficient customer services.

Blogs Posts

Google also specifically explained how they Rate a Blog Post.Here are some important characteristics:

● High positive reputation as a Blog;

● High quality main content;

● High E-A-T with positive reputation for the author.

What do these mean?

Google looks for Blog Posts to contain high quality content.  The Blog must have a very positive reputation.  Both the Blog and the Author must have high E-A-T along with positive reputation.

How can you improve your website and blog Google Rankings?

1. Having positive testimonials on your website with positive customer reviews will help.

2. Have employees (and company name) appear on various media outlets as either a guest contributor or being written about as an “expert”.

3. Having the company mentioned on various media outlets as an “authority” or an “expert”. The London Financial Times once quoted me as an "expert".

4. Sending Press Releases about your company and its employees in a positive manner.

5. Engaging in Social Media platforms by your company, yourself, and your employees with positive information including products and services.

6. Writing consistent and constant quality content keeping your website and/or blog fresh.

7. Using expert, authoritative, and trustworthy authors for blog posts and website articles.

In conclusion, Google has provided website & blog owners a blueprint for achieving the Holy Grail of SEO, getting into Google Top 10 Search Rankings.

How You Can Get Into Google Top 10

According to Google, a website or Blog needs to have an overall good reputation along with expertise, authority, and trustworthiness regarding the topic and high quality written content.  Google also looks at the author in the same manner: good reputation, being an expert and an authority regarding the topic and writes quality content.

Google also explained how it ranks Blogs. They must have high quality content, positive reputation, and topic expert, authority and trustworthiness of both the Blog and the author.

Google now ranks blog posts faster and higher than websites.  This is the fastest way to get into Google Top 10.Do your own search of a keyword and notice how many on page 1 (Top 10) are from blog posts.

My key to successful higher Google rankings is to use blog posts to promote my original posting.Immediately, Google began to rank several of my blog posts in its Top 10 for the same keyword phrase.  Here are some examples:

Here Is How I Got So Many Of My Blog Posts Into Google Top 10

On April 21, 2016 my article about “Real Estate Open House Advertising” was published on a U.S. Real Estate Licensing School Blog called “The Real Estate Express”.

Below is a Screenshot taken on April 28, 2016 from a Google Search.

F2 K8h3 Jl Ehw Aaaaasuvork5 Cyii

The keyword phrase searched was “Tips for Effective Open House Advertising” used by 2.7 Million websites and blogs according to Google.  #1 is my original post in the Real Estate Express Blog.  At #2 is my post in LinkedIn promoting my #1 post.  At #5 is my post in Bigger Pockets real estate investments blog promoting my #1 post.  While it is good news to become ranked in Google Top 10, staying there is another challenge.  Google used to take three months to visit a website or blog.  Recent changes speeded up Google’s ability to review web pages and blog posts in a matter of days. Years ago, you can be confident of staying in Google Top 10 for a long time.  Times have changed.With the ability ot review web pages and blog posts in just a few days makes it more difficult to stay in Google Top 10 for long periods of time.

Below - September 1, 2016: Same Keyword Phrase

U Eu Qq Kioq Kioq Kn Tq Kuf Vvruvfruvp7 Kgf8 Hil7kx Chq F1 Eaaaaasuvork5 Cyii

As you can see, more than four months later by September 1, my original blog post is still ranked by Google at #1.  My LinkedIn post promoting #1 is ranked #3.  My post in Bigger Pockets promoting the #1 post is ranked #8That’s 3 blog posts in Google Top 8 for the same keyword phrase.


B1 A4n3n Qhq Qaaaabjru5 Erk Jggg

Below on September 1, 2016: Same Keyword Phrase where my original post is still #1 with Google.  Also, at #5 and #6 are my blog posts promoting the original post at #1.  And #8 is my Twitter posting promoting the original blog post at #1. Thus, I still have 4 blog posts in Google Top 8 three weeks later.

W M8bt1 Jgoh Vn Aaaaabjru5 Erk Jggg

Below - REAL ESTATE AGENT TIME MANAGEMENT: Published August 31, 2016.Notice how Google states “2 days ago” for my original blog post at #3.  This shows how fast Google is able to rank blog posts.

Jp Yvhvj7669t Qfcwqvb I7loi Iljt1rns Y9y Sj7487 Ah0 Rererlu33 P Ia Oi Ii Ii B4m4 H8 Bt E Lvz1mh Paaaaaasuvork5 Cyii

Below - 50 REAL ESTATE BLOG TOPICS - September 1, 2016 Google Search

Two Parts because I was unable to copy the Screenshot into one page.  You will notice the date of publication of my blog post on June 28, 2016.  Nine weeks later it is ranked #2 by Google.  Ranked #7 is my Google+ social media post promoting my original post at #2.

1 Sl2f8 P6td Z1 N Cb60 Maaaaasuvork5 Cyii

Q Y Hyj Ef Suk0 Aaaaasuvork5 Cyii

Below – HANDLING TYPICAL BUYER OBJECTIONS – Published April 26, 2016 and ranked #5 by Google.  At #7 is my post in the Zillow real estate blog while my post in the real estate investors Bigger Pockets blog is ranked #8.   Both were promoting the original blog post at #5.  Again, I have three blog posts in Google Top 8 for the same keyword phrase.

N2 Irfzj Nv Pk6yt Wr8 Cr Ik3 Lp Yd Isi J Ei Qiegcb Ak Sbm Vi Sh Esj Ei Qiegcb Anf Qkgzr Sv Ik Cb Bgg Qj Em5p Ap8 Lo Pm Tofsnn Kg Aaaaasuvork5 Cyii

Below - MINING REAL ESTATE LEADS – August 1, 2016: My original blog post is ranked #1 while my post in a different real estate blog promoting #1 is ranked #2 and my post in the Bigger Pockets blog promoting #1 is ranked #4 while my post in my Google+ is ranked #5.  That’s 4 of my posts ranked in Google Top 5 for the same keyword phrase.

C0 G2 Xd V Bvom Aaaaa El F Tk Su Qm Cc


Google recognizes the popularity and power of blogs and social media. They have replaced the need for authorative and related incoming links from other websites.  As shown here, blog posts can get ranked by Google in less than 24 hours.  You can now get several blog popsts ranked in Google Top 10 for the same keyword phrase.

Another thing to consider is the importance Google has placed on who the author is and how much of an authority he or she is on the subject matter of the blog post or web page. Ghost writers get no credit from Google.Hiring an “expert” or an “authority” with a good online reputation to author your content is now very impoprtant as Google ranks blog posts by content and author.

I am considered an “expert”, “authority”, and am “trustworthy” regarding topics I previously published online.  Google me by typing “Steven Rich, MBA” [Note: you must type the “ “ symbols to separate me from 1,000 others with same name].  Google has 10 pages about my online publications.  A few years ago, The London Financial Times quoted me as an “expert”.Wikipedia has cited 12 of my online publications as an authority.  I developed my Brand “Steven Rich, MBA” so it has a very good online reputation.

COPYRIGHT © 2016 – Steven Rich, MBA

Comments (1)

  1. This was a great read!