Twitter "Secrets" Revealed!
Enjoy this video on how to Twitter!
Now you know the "Secret" of Twitter!
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Harrison Painter is a Real Estate Broker and Marketing Animal in the Indianapolis, Carmel, Noblesville, Fishers, and Zionsville, IN markets who Makes Real Estate Happen! If you are looking to buy, sell, or invest, CALL ME TODAY!
(317) 871-1000
At Gladiator Real Estate Group, We Answer the Phone!!!!
Website: www.GoGladiator.com
Comments (8)
Thank you for the kind words
Norm Chrostowski, over 15 years ago
No doubt in my mind that Norm is going to BLOW IT UP!!!! i LOVE the confidence and motivation! Keep up the great work Norm, you are going to be a Powerhouse in Buffalo!
Harrison Painter, over 15 years ago
I'm gonna be a success story anyway..(not being a smart A$$, just confident and motivated)
Norm Chrostowski, over 15 years ago
Still waiting for Brittany too! And the secret! Norm, you sure are missing out buddy! Wish you could have joined. I was 99.9% sure you would be a success story for us!
Will Barnard, over 15 years ago
I had to watch it again, I thought maybe I was delusional...uh no, Your definitely strange....LOL (still looking for the Brittany thing)
Norm Chrostowski, over 15 years ago
Norm Chrostowski, over 15 years ago
I second the brittany thing. You people are strange! Is that the reason you haven't called me???? Busy making THAT??Looks like a case of TOOOOO many late nites...LOL We really have to get Ryan to loosen up a bit in front of the camera. This is a case of ME teaching HIM something...lol
Norm Chrostowski, over 15 years ago
Dude, when do we get the "secrets"? PS Your kids rock and your wife's idea about Brittany sounds good, lets see it! Tweet, Tweet!
Will Barnard, over 15 years ago