FREE Ebook & New RE Barcamp Indy Logo
RE Barcamp Indianapolis is getting closer and the excitment is building! Take a look at the new logo that just came into my inbox a few minutes ago!

The logo was created by Michael price of mlbroadcast! Thank you so much!
In the spirit of RE Barcamp, I am offering up a FREE Ebook Tweeting to the Third Power' in digital and audio formats. This book defines Twitter and gives your a simple to use strategy to build better relationships and explode your business!
To get your copy visit GoGladiator Media or click on the Ebook photo!
If you enjoy the Ebook and find value in it, please feel free to share it. Any feedback you have would also be greatly appreciated. I am always here to help!
We have the amazing Gary Vaynerchuk LIVE on GoGladiatorTV
Now let's go out and make some relationships happen!!!!
Harrison Painter
Comments (1)
The ebook is definitely worth a look if you want to understand how to use Twitter to grow your business. Nice work, Harrison ( and thanks for spreading the love! )
Joshua Dorkin, over 15 years ago