Be Careful of What You Put in the Universe
Whenever I hang out with my two best friends, I always tell them to be careful of what you speak into the Universe. Everything that you say will come back negative or positive. I call them out all the time and they have done the same for me. Even if it’s the smallest saying such as “I don’t want to do this.” Any negative words or phrase will only get worst. How do I know? Because everything that I have written and said, I have been in that experience.
My worst moments looking back happened because of what I was thinking and turned into actions. For example, when I was living in New York, I was so depressed because of the weather and the culture shock of the rude people. So the boyfriend I attracted into my life was negative and the people around me started to disappear. It wasn’t until recently that I really focused in on my thought process. To be honest, last week, I finally had one of the biggest break through in a really long time. I have been doing Real Estate and growing a business blah blah blah, but something happened that is about to take my business to the next level.
My last push is to catch yourself if you do start to think these thoughts and speak them. I always tell my friends once you speak them and they are out there, you can’t take it back. Once you buckle down and get it down, the world will start to change. It will start to give you what you least expect. How many times do you wake up every morning and thank the universe for giving you another day? I was driving around on Monday morning and this guy walking down the street was yelling at me to slow down (yes, I drive fast). He got so angry for what reason? Why did he let my stupidity bother him? I laugh at those types of people because why do people let someone else take away their own happiness? The crazy part was that I saw a guy in a wheelchair that same day and he was the happiest person. Not a care in the world, why? Because he knew that he got to wake up today.
Bottom line: Don’t speak words of negativity into
the Universe! The Universe will always give you
what you give it.
Comments (1)
Gil Flmeinga, about 8 years ago